Sunday, October 23, 2005

I Like Big Butts

Number 6# On My Diss List

Hip Hop Videos and Hip Hop Culture

This rant is a little serious and i shall not make fun of people here this time, (well not too much). It is not going to be about expats like i promised, but it is going to be about a part of expat culture imported here. Hip hop culture.

Why do so many of us who like to look at rap videos try to act like the rap stars? I have to say that I like rap aswell and I listen to it along with my Mohamed Abdu songs and my Madonna songs. I think I am a very open minded man about most things in this life and that includes music, but i dont try to copy and immulate these people.
You will never see me changing my hair to blond to look like Eminem and you will never see me walking around with baggy jeans with one leg rolled up my calf and you will never see me refer to my sisters or my wife as my b!tches.

I listen to the rap and i play it in my truck and nod my head to it like a gangsta (notice the hip hop spelling), but not because I think it looks cool but because I like the way it sounds. But i accept it, for what it is, entertainment and nothing else.

In hip-hop videos, I see the girls bouncing their 'bootay' (hiphop spelling again) , while the boys pretending to be gangstas with the black hoods and pretend to drive around in their black 4x4 'drug cars' which i think is all very fake looking anyway. I sat down with my little brother one afternoon in front of the TV and saw a rapper comparing 'black butts with white butts'. I was laughing so much coz it was so silly but only after I sent my little brother out of the room. I feel he doesnt need to see this at 10 yrs old. He has some innocence and is from a culture richer and better than this.

BTW i am not talking about a black thing Vs an arab thing because those magribi hip hop rai gangsta videos (and even some lebanese and egyptian pop videos are getting a bit carried away with the bootay aswell). But I dont understand how anyone from a culture as rich as ours (Emirati) would want to substitute that for a culture that is obviously manufactured by big US multinationals and packaged as entertainment through music videos cd's and clothes just to make money.

How dumb is that arab kid who likes to walk around in wooly gangsta hats in Dubai's 35 degree heat, just because they think it looks cool or 'kewl'? (Hip hop spelling one more time). Ya3ny it is too hot for that. Remember that male westerner I talked about in diss number 5? If you notice, he is still walking around with his fat pink thighs exposed coz it is still soo hot! While I am still sweating like a waterfall from the heat, even though I am wearing an ultra cool, ultra light, dishdasha and guthra. So why the **** is he dressing like it is -5 in New York?

Maybe the answer is the same reason why they have all those fake-ass(hip hop term) american accents when they talk. Coz its a form of cultural imperialism and a shame of their own heritage. Have any of you tried talking to someone from this group? They always have to throw the phrase 'bull shit', 'fuck you' or 'hey man/dude' some where in the conversation when they are speaking to you in english just to show that they are 'experts' in the language.

BTW the next guy who calls me 'hey man' and has an arabic accent trying hard to be disguised as an american accent, I shall get a knife, cut his tounge out and staple it to his forehead... so whenever he looks in the mirror he will remember that it is not 'kewl' trying to be cool, using a voice that is obviously not 'kewl' .

All these reasons make it why I prefer to look, dress and be traditional to the outside world and affirm my proudness in my identity, even if I am still listening to Black Eyed Peas on my IPod plugged into my Landruiser's 'booming system' (oh dear, hip hop slang again.. i need de-programming).

Disclaimer : Any bad english/spelling/grammer witnessed by you dear user is here because of one of two reasons. 1) It is late 1:05 in the morning and my english usually degrades the later the time gets 2) Really my english is excellent and all the english/spelling/grammer mistakes I make are not really mistakes but just hip hop slang and spelling. Please take your pick.