Monday, November 28, 2005

From Hell.

Earthquakes and demons.

Welcome back me. There is a problem on Secret Arabian that means the public cannot access the site, so for the time being I will resume posting here. Don’t really have much to say today except that this perhaps can be called the ‘Week from Hell’. All those who said Allah’s judgment is coming down on Dubai for its decadent and slack ways via an earthquake and for all those others who say this place is Hell on earth here is the is their proof.

This week this scary picture appeared in Emirates Today. Ever wanted to know what those ‘Jumeriah Janes’ looked like behind those slightly tinted out SUVs that you see parket out side Spinnys? Here is a fiendish gathering of a group of them exclusively captured by Emirate-Alyoum…

Click on it and go to page 25. Its called
Jumeriah Jane Hell.

And if this wernt bad enough we are going to have another mass gathering of 'Satwa-esque' wannabe gangstas, ‘ghetto fabulous’ rich kids and general foolishness because Busta and Missy are gonna be in town. Cue the Gulfs biggest collection of Fake Bling and Fake American accents all in one large Haskhal gathering.

Makes me wanna go out into the desert and climb under a rock for a week or just repeatedly hit myself in the head with one.